Step 1:

Log into Webmaster Tools


Password: Rustin49

Step 2:

  • In WMT add a new site.
  • Note - Always include www. In the domain.
  • This will produce script you will add in step 3.
  • Note - Always make sure the Verification Method drop down is on Meta Tag.

Step 3:

  • Log into your website.
  • Website Creation à Manage HTML Layouts.
  • Edit the Main layout.
  • In the <head> tag, after <meta content> add the script you received in step 2.
  • Save and Continue.

Step 4:

  • In WMT, verify the site.
  • Dashboard à Site Configuration à Sitemaps.
  • Submit a Sitemap.
  • The extension will always be "XMLSiteMap.xml".
  • Dashboard à Site Configuration à Settings.
  • Geographic Target: Target users in the United States.