Show/Hide Div's on-click

Hello everyone, I made a couple show/hide div examples here for you to use!

Example One

This one is a more sophisticated solution than the one below, as it uses much less code and checks the divs current state to determine what the button will do. You can click on the same button to hide, and clicking on another button will hide the last one open. Pretty slick!

Here is the link to the jsfiddle file.

Example Two

Remember that you need the code in the content area, the CSS in the systems.css stylesheet under the group "Locations Gmap and the javascript customized on this page.

If you like what I did with the Google Maps in the div's, all you have to do to create that is, within a google account (I set one up for Prime Healthcare), go to maps while logged in, set up a "My Maps" map, add locations, and then while you have that map open, use the google maps embed link tool like you normally do for contact pages. The code will look pretty much the same as those normal embeds we all use, but it will show all the locations on that map you just created. You can then create several of these to create regional maps like I did for Prime.


Tags: Show/Hide Divs, Show/Hide Onclick, Show Hide, Div Onclick, Multiple Location Map, Multiple Location Google Map